It is with great regret and sadness that I have to report the death of Col John Sainsbury OBE TD FSA. John has been a great friend and supporter of the museum for many years. He brought together the extensive Hertfordshire Yeomanry Collection, which has been an integral and popular part of the Museum for many years. He was also the source of a vast amount of knowledge about the collection and the regiment. Many people were helped in their research by his books, and just a few months ago, he went through the collection with curatorial staff at the Museum, to choose items for display in the new North Hertfordshire Museum. We were due to meet again soon, and we are very sad that this opportunity will not arise. We are also very sad that he will not see the new displays, though I am comforted by the fact that he was very happy with the way that things were progressing. I am sure that everyone who worked with him would agree that he was very generous with his time, and a very kind person to work with. He will be sorely missed.
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